The Self-Discipline & Willpower Myth


What is your perfect day?

Think about that for a second. What does a perfect day look like to you? When was the last time you had a perfect day? It seems like it should be such a simple question, but most people really struggle with that answer. If you ask most people what their perfect day looks like, they don’t usually say, ‘Well it begins with getting up and going to work!’ In fact, it’s the exact opposite! 93% of people would say that their perfect day means not having anything to do with work! They want to be as far away from work as possible!

The Sad Truth Behind Our Perfect Days

Have you ever asked someone ‘Hey, how’s it going?’ and they reply back ‘Well, it’s almost Friday!’ and you ask them, ‘Oh, do you have big plans for the weekend?’ and they say, ‘No, I just won’t have to go to work the next day!’ If you really think about it, that’s pretty sad. When was the last time you had...

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I Didn't Get The Job


The Stark Reality for Sales Professionals

A recent survey found that 67% of salespeople are unhappy with their current position or company, and over half of them are actively looking for a new job. That is almost two-thirds of all salespeople who are unhappy getting up every morning and going to work! Now, some people find this statistic to be staggering, but it doesn’t surprise me at all, and there are three reasons why. First, on average companies have 50% more salespeople than they actually need to hit their number. If you don’t believe me, look around your own company. What percentage of the sales force is consistently at or above quota?

The fact is that companies knowingly hire more salespeople than they actually need because it is easier to manage the business. They don’t have the time or talent to adequately develop the salespeople that they have, so they hire more than they need knowing that most will not make their number but will sell something that will...

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You Must Read This Sales Book


The Unexpected Insight from a Casual Conversation

I met someone the other day and asked him what he did professionally, and he told me he was in medical equipment sales, so I asked him my normal introductory questions when I meet a salesperson; what company was he with, how long had been there and in sales overall, they types of people he called on, did he enjoy it, what were his biggest challenges?

Like most of these situations, when I run into a salesperson that I meet for the first time, they answer my questions and eagerly talk about themselves and their profession. Then he got around to asking me what I did, and I told him I was in individual sales performance transformation.

The Common Misstep of Sales Professionals

Now in most cases, before someone can ask me what exactly that means, I follow it up with this: I help salespeople to win more deals, sell with less stress, earn more income, and free up more time so they can be happier in their personal lives. 

It is very...

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